Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years and New Dawns

Ancient Civilizations celebrate their new year in a number of different ways and at various times of the year.  Research a minimum of three civilizations/cultures/religions and their celebrations of the new year.    

Create a poster of this information that is informative and includes pictures.   Make it look like a giant scrapbook page.   This is extra credit and it is due on January 9th when we return to school.

Monday, December 26, 2011

A little late extra credit

This is due upon your return to school on January 9th 2012. War horse came out on December 25th, go out and see it. Once you have seen it, go and online to find out how historians viewed the movie and write a one-page comparison of at least three different historical opinions. You must also add your own opinion in the paper as well. I will add another assignment when I have more time to do so. Enjoy.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Art as life

Extra Credit Opportunity due on Monday 12-12-11

Art was a very important part of the Renaissance, it also an important part of any culture.  Your task is to find art from the years 1200 C.E. to 1450 C.E.   You only need to find one piece of art from any location/culture from that time period and write a one-page critique that tells me how the art represents the culture, your opinion, and what does it say to you or how does it speak to you.  Analyze the art.

Turn a picture of your art with your paper on Monday.  You can also email it me also.

Here are some examples below: