Friday, October 26, 2012

River Valley Civilizations

River Valleys are essential for creating early civilizations.

Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Shang all have similarities as well as differences.

Create a chart that compares the Geography, Political Systems, Society and Economy, and Religions.

Email me the Chart when complete.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Agricultural Revolution

Jared Diamond, best known for Guns, Germs, and Steel, has also written about the agricultural revolution in a way that makes you think.

Read the article and write a one page reaction to the article.  Be sure to also include your opinion in your reaction and why you have this opinion.

Good luck with this revolution.

Jared's Article

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Maps and Perceptions

Please watch the following and do a one-page write up on your views with this topic.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

For those doing Independent Study

Hello One and All, I will be using this as a source for you content for the year. If you have any questions please email me or post a response to the items I have posted on this blog. Please feel free to use the materials that I post as a guide to the content in the book and what the AP Exam may cover in May. Good luck, Mr. FB

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A few more study tips

For those who are curious or just want another quick way to review: In the Princeton Review, use the Important terms and People, Places, and Events to do a quick review of the historical time periods. Go through those and identify what you know and look up the ones you don't know. This vocabulary will help you in your essay writing as well as with your content knowledge. Page numbers in the book: P. 128-29 P.170-71 P. 208-9 P. 243-44 P. 290-91 This will not be the end all be all when it comes to studying but it will help and it may be a little quicker if you are pressed for time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

China this week

If you were curious about China and how they have changed to meet the needs of their people since the Tienanmen Square incident, think again.

CNN News

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tiananmen Square News footage

As with any recent event, there is news footage available.  Unfortunately, the Chinese did not allow for many to view what happened on June 1989 in Tiananmen Square.  Below, you find some informative videos on the Massacre.

A helpful website for Review

Here is a helpful website that can help you study for the AP Exam.

They are using a similar text and they are taking the exact same exam as you.  Please use this source when online.  They have some great review materials.

Ponte Verda HS AP World


Study Guides for Chapter 32 & 33

Here are the study guides:  The chapter titles may be mixed up on the actual documents but the info that you need is the same.

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Be sure to study this week and review your Princeton review.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

The "Fall" of the Third Reich

Here is the first part, watch this and the other parts before Friday for extra credit.  After you watch it, write a reaction paper. 

Due Date: 4.20.12

Friday, April 13, 2012

The "Rise" of the Third Reich

This is an Extra Credit assignment.  You are to watch the video below or you can also locate it on youtube in sections also.  After viewing this, please write/type up a one page reaction paper.  Your reaction paper should discuss how you felt about the German people and their support of the Nazi party during this time period.  It should also discuss how you felt about the Nazi Party programs that they imposed on the people.

Enjoy:  Due Date: April 16th

Friday, April 6, 2012

Additional Extra Credit

For those who cannot make it to the MSA event,  here is another opportunity for you.

Your task is to create a formal invitation for 3 separate continents to attend the opening of the Suez Canal by Egypt.  This means that you need to invite a christian/muslim African, christian European, and a hindu/buddhist/muslim Asian.  So your invitations must cater to the people who live on those continents during the time when the Suez Canal opened.

You will need to turn in 3 separate invitations to receive extra credit.  Do not make them look modern through a publisher program.  Most from the time period would have been hand written by a professional.  Keep that in mind as you create your invitations.

Due Date: April 9th 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break Project

Here is the Project list in case you lost or misplaced yours:

Spring Break Project

MSA- Rescheduled Event

The Muslim Student Association rescheduled their event for April 8th which is also Easter.  If you can go, great.  If not, no worries.  I will have another opportunity for extra credit soon.