Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Industrial Revolution Vid

Here is a short video for Chapter 22.  Enjoy

and one on James Watt

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quizlet For Chpt. 22

Here is the direct link for Chapter 22.

The flash cards are always helpful.

Friday, February 24, 2012

An interesting take on the Industrial Revolution

A washing machine does not inspire as much as you think because you really don't think how it impacted society when it was created.  Watch this video to see another perspective of the industrial revolution.  If the video doesn't work, here is the link:

A special thanks to the TED talks website.  You should check it out or download the app for your ipod, ipad, or droid.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Positivism and the Poor

Industrial Revolution, Scientific Revolution, Philosophy, and the poor. Thanks to the Count of Saint-Simon and the Scientific Method, the poor now have more going for them.

Your job as a devotee follower of the Count of Saint-Simon is to create an awareness of the plight of the poor using the scientific method.

You can create an awareness through an information flyer or brochure. Be sure to keep the flyer or brochure in the time period and include the Scientific Method when discussing the plight of the poor and how to solve it.
Enjoy: This is due on Monday 2/27/12

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Short Videos to help in Studying

These videos are to help you know more for Chapter 21.  These are only meant to assist.  You still need to read the book.

Enjoy these as you may, some may be a little cheesy but worth the watch.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Congress of Vienna needs You!

You are needed by one of the European Nations/Empires as a representative for the Congress of Vienna.  As a representative you are to keep a journal of the work you are doing to keep peace in Europe after Napoleon and the French Revolution.

So, for your extra credit, you need to create journal entries of your work as a representative of Britain, Russia, Austria, or Prussia.  The entries need to express your opinion as a member of the before mentioned nations/empires.  They also need to expose any secret deals that occurred during this Congress.

Minimum of 3 entries
Opinion of citizenship
Secret deals (if any)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A nice resource for Chapter 21

This is one site supplied to me by one of your own.


Also, I have included a source for the Guns and Butter economic example that I discussed in class.

Guns and Butter


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Modern Revolutions as seen on TV

Hello one and all,

This story on CBS news hit a cord with me since we have been studying revolutions.  Check this out.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to Write your revolution Comparison

Take the information that you learned in class about revolutions and type a one to two page paper comparing the revolutions. 
Answer the following questions in your paper:
What do they have in common?
What differences exist? (be specific)
Which one do you believe to be the most influencial in world history?

This is a regular assignment.  It is due on Monday Feb. 13th 2012

Please remember that the French and American Revolutions cannot be included for this assignment.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The adventures of Lord George Macartney

Life of a British Lord required many duties, one of which is to travel when required. Your task for extra credit is to create a map of his adventures along with a children's story to explain the who, the what's, and the why's of his adventures to China. The story should include pictures for each section. This is due on Monday February 6th.