Saturday, October 29, 2011

Topic of Study and Analysis

So, to keep with our current topics of study I am posting a short video from the Tiny Toons cartoon.

Does this keep the humanity of Arabs or does it keep with Hollywood's depictions of Arabs and Arabland?

Interesting to watch since it also has They Might Be Giants music also for Istanbul.

Enjoy and Analyze:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Medieval Extra Credit

This is Due on Monday October 31st. 
You are to watch, if you dare, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Please do check with your parents before you do to see if they approve. This is a film that celebrates, mocks, and inaccurately portrays the real events and legends of Medieval Europe. (spelled correctly for the one doubter among you)

Your sacred mission is to find 20 items within the film that are based on real history in Medieval Europe. List 20 specific items in the film and then describe in detail what they are making fun of in the film that is fact. Your extra credit will come from how well you can connect these specifics with something factual. Dare as you may to find 20 when I know there be more for the findin'!! If you have any questions about the film, save them until Monday. Also, this is a very silly film, be forewarned that I have told you this before you complain about it after you have seen it.

And last but not least Nee!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Extra Credit #1

For this upcoming weekend (10-21), find a film that portrays Arabs in a humanistic way that is not stereotypical or atypical of how Hollywood vilifies them. Watch the film and write a one page paper on how the film portrays the Arab people. The amount of extra credit you receive will depend on the film you pick as well as the effort you put into your paper. I suggest finding a foreign film that also has women as the main characters. Remember this is only a suggestion and not a requirement. I would like for you to do this on your own, so please do not send me questions this weekend about the quality of the film that you pick. Good luck and enjoy this clip from the documentary "Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People"

Religion Family Tree

This moves quickly, take note of how the branches intertwine in many faiths.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Intro to Big History

Interesting way to look into and at History.  It is a big picture view. The second video is two historians discussing this idea.

Greece V. Persia V. India

A little Biased video that offers a good perspective on the Ancient Empires.  This video has also been viewed by many of you.  It is important for you to take in other perspectives when studying history and worldly cultures.

7 minutes of World History

Here is the History of the World in 7 minutes.  Most of you have already watched this.  If you have not seen it, please do so.  It offers a neat perspective of the history of the world.

Welcome to a new Resource

Hello one and all,

I have created this as a resource for those who wish to view video clips and sites that are beneficial to those AP World History.  I hope that you can find this useful.  I have included my twitter feed as well so you can keep up to date with any other information that I am posting such as when to bring your book or my expectations for your homework.

This blog also allows you to receive email updates simply by entering your email in the toolbar above.

Thanks for visiting.