Saturday, October 29, 2011

Topic of Study and Analysis

So, to keep with our current topics of study I am posting a short video from the Tiny Toons cartoon.

Does this keep the humanity of Arabs or does it keep with Hollywood's depictions of Arabs and Arabland?

Interesting to watch since it also has They Might Be Giants music also for Istanbul.

Enjoy and Analyze:


  1. I think that this video does vilify the Arab people for two reasons.
    1.) The person who steals the artifact and his group of people who are portrayed as the antagonists are Arab's.
    2.) All of the Arab looking people in this video were mad, angry and were yelling which is how the Arabs have become portrayed as, mad and angry people who yell a lot

  2. I believe that this video does discriminate against the Arabs because:
    1) The guys stealing who are the "bad guys" are Arab's.
    2) All the people look very angry, which is what Arabs are portrayed as in modern films: angry terrorists
    3) The type of dress - Similar to Aladdin, they have the kind of dress that are seen in a "stereotypical Arab".

    -Blue Pritchard
